A post about Gratitude

This is a post about gratitude. Last summer my income was all but halved due to the effects of covid on clients. Nobody likes to talk about money eh?

It’s taken me a year to be able to look at the work I have had recently, right now and also have ahead of me in the near future to feel like things are in a better place. I always revert to saying “others have had it far worse” but is it all relative? Anyway, I’m grateful. I do not take work for granted.

Those who’ve trusted me, listened to my ideas, paid the hourly rate, recommended me… thanks. As the year closes and people go Christmas crazy, I think maybe, I’ll say thanks a bit more.

Pictured: I’m in fantastic forest green #gifted pleated track pants from https://universalworks.co.uk/ plus https://communityclothing.co.uk/ Breton and UW fleece cardigan with the New Balance 992 in grey shoe. I’m gonna level with you, I’m not of the “influencer” mindset but sometimes I’ve been gifted items of clothing from brands I know, love and support. Not a huge amount, just sometimes.

Recently it’s filled me with gratitude more than ever because of how difficult the last couple of years have been, for everyone.

Grace innit!


Ally Simpson. Artist and designer. Abstract visual works, brand, identity, graphic design solutions, style content and dabbling with sounds.


Evolving a website by dismantling it often


Japan street