No edging in the wild


At the weekend I moved our garden project a little farther forward with the main gravel path created and a raised bed started.

A few people have seen this photograph and immediately mentioned “edging.”

For many good and valid reasons, people want a neat and clean edge around their lawn and/or flower beds.

However, there is no edging in the wild. Perhaps naturally occurring edging that happens over time.

I am looking for a wilder garden. Of course there’s an irony in the fact that I still have to create this natural or wild atmosphere. It will of course take time as well.

There is also a spiritual comparison to be seen, one that I’ve been thinking about as I’ve embarked on this project. Connecting with creation, hands in the earth, nurturing life, allowing the ebb and flow of seasons to affect birth, growth, decay, death and re-birth… and journeying with the wild and natural evolution that should (perhaps) not be tamed.

So there is no edging in the wild, nor in my garden.

Let’s see how it goes.


For inspiration see:


Ally Simpson. Artist and designer. Abstract visual works, brand, identity, graphic design solutions, style content and dabbling with sounds.

Everything from Universal Works


Vintage Bandana Lanyard