No more ‘here’s what you should do’

I used to share ideas and advice about social media use and good practice online, with a focus on local business and community. I thought I had something to add to the conversation. I guess I’d read Seth Godin a couple of times and thought I had some smart stuff to say. The Internet is awash with all you need to know about these topics and loads more that you do not need to know. I’m not a developer. I’m not an SEO expert or marketing guru. I’m not a branding expert. I no longer want to explain social media to you.

I don’t care about those things so, no more ‘here’s what you should do’ unless you ask me directly, which may end in shoulders shrugged and vague mumblings.


Because we’re now absolutely and completely through the looking glass. How to best use the web with a decent website and good social media practice was news a decade ago. If you are clambering around now looking for answers and solutions, the things you think you now need are not solutions to your problem. You are your problem.

And anyway, I’m an artist and designer so I’ll make you something nice so people can say ‘isn’t that nice’ or ‘I don’t get it.’



Ally Simpson. Artist and designer. Abstract visual works, brand, identity, graphic design solutions, style content and dabbling with sounds.

Universal Works Military Chino


Makers I’m watching