[Not] buying clothes in 2022

We all need to have less stuff if we are going to make a difference to the damage we are doing to the planet, but we do need things.

However, when we buy things, we should think about why and what we are buying, buy for a longer term and buy better made and ethically made.

Read the full interview with David Keyte here.

I’ve been waiting to find the right words to describe why I intend to not buy any clothes in 2022. I hastily mentioned it on instagram and felt like maybe I’d fired the starter pistol too soon.

The quote above and subsequent interview with Universal Works co-founder and owner David Keyte helped to affirm the reasoning.

During the first few months of the pandemic in 2020 I began the process of evaluating my wardrobe, recycling stuff, buying better items and thinking more about quality, longevity and ethically made products. Towards the end of 2021 I felt like I had arrived at a really good place having invested time and money into a wardrobe overhaul. I am incredibly grateful for the gifted items from a few of the brands like Universal Works who I love.

And now after a few last bargains before we rolled into 2022, it’s time to take a break, enjoy the rotation of what I have, mix it up and watch the garments evolve and age.

I haven’t bought clothes from high street retailers or fast fashion outlets/brands for a really long time now for a number of reasons. As the year progresses and I continue to still post style/fit/grab updates I will perhaps talk a little more about how it’s shaping up.


Ally Simpson. Artist and designer. Abstract visual works, brand, identity, graphic design solutions, style content and dabbling with sounds.


Recent garb


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