On the face of it

On the face of it, looking at online output, social media and so on, this might look successful.

Last week as our accountant filed my tax return and we looked over the financial year, one stand-out fact was that during the past twelve months I have worked harder, longer and pretty much never been able to switch off from my work… for nothing.

By nothing I mean I earned no more than I had done in the previous two years which, had been riddled by the pandemic and were considered by me to be a bit of a disaster.

Disappointed is an understatement even though I knew. Sort of.

I need to add an important caveat and say that I have lots of good clients who pay my hourly rate, trust me and do not quibble.

But with this reality confirmed on a widescreen spreadsheet in my accountants office I have to concede yet again that it’s been a really tough few years.

Thanks to everyone who has listened, helped, hired me, paid the rate, paid on time, trusted me, bought a t-shirt, painting, download or sent a donation. Also to the brands who have reached out on Instagram and sent gifts. You know who you are.

You really made a difference.


Ally Simpson. Artist and designer. Abstract visual works, brand, identity, graphic design solutions, style content and dabbling with sounds.


Pilgrim Coffee Co. Zimbabwe

