Pulled the portfolio

I pulled the portfolio from our website last week.

Work has been quieter during the pandemic with only a couple of small commissions/projects coming in on top of my usual work. I’m proud of a lot of my work, I don’t take for granted that some of it is circulated and seen by thousands of people on beer bottles and coffee cups. I’d be lying if I said all of my work was satisfying all of the time though.

2020 has been a challenge in lots of ways. I have swung back and forth from excitement about some work to an existential crisis of sorts.

So, how I share and talk about my work needs a re-think.

For now, pulled the portfolio.


Ally Simpson. Artist and designer. Abstract visual works, brand, identity, graphic design solutions, style content and dabbling with sounds.


Universal Works Pleated Track Pant In Navy Cord


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