Self portrait charcoal sketch


I had grand plans to paint more in 2020 but I think maybe Ive had some sort of existential crisis, I dunno. Finding time to focus, patience to wrestle with the craft etc has become impossible. I don’t know if the pandemic has affected me or if that’s just an excuse. 🤷‍♂️ So, I resolved to go back to basics, some paper, some charcoal, pencils maybe... shapes, form, space, chaos, no pressure, just create in the moments that I can spare to see if I can discover something. And this week I moved my easel out of the office so it wasn’t staring me out and being intimidating. It doesn’t matter what I create at this stage I guess... it doesn’t need to be perfect or refined, whatever that means. Footnote: We also watched the episode of @abstractdesign featuring @studioolafureliasson last night and oh. My. Goodness. I feel so inadequate and un-evolved but somehow inspired. Maybe. If anything incredible happens you’ll see it.

Originally posted here.


Ally Simpson. Artist and designer. Abstract visual works, brand, identity, graphic design solutions, style content and dabbling with sounds.

Art does not show people what to do


Boy watching television