Thanks take care Gordon

Our Milkman is called Gordon. At the start of lockdown we were maybe a little concerned about how frequently we would be able to go to shops and get food deliveries. All of that turned out fine but, initially my Mum suggested I contact their milkman to arrange a milk delivery.

“What, you still get a milk delivery?’

That would be very convenient with a baby/toddler consuming all of the milk in our house we thought. Other food and drink items we can do without but not milk.

One phone call, one false start with an address mix-up and now we have a milk delivery twice each week.

Here’s the thing though…

I’ve never seen our milkman. He leaves the milk on our doorstep at around 5 - 5.30am then, every few weeks he texts me and tells me how much money we owe. I send the money right away and he says; “Thanks take care Gordon”

It’s the most simple of arrangements and it reminds me that short efficient clear communication is a brilliant thing.

No fuss, no urgency or drama, just simplicity.


Ally Simpson. Artist and designer. Abstract visual works, brand, identity, graphic design solutions, style content and dabbling with sounds.

New Balance JJJJound 992J2


Universal Works Fatigue Pant In Light Olive Twill