The garden view

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One of the primary motivations for changing our garden was to provide a flat space for our son to play on. That space takes up around half the garden, the other half which I’ve talked about a few times here, is slowly becoming a wild place for adventure… simple adventure. Tall grass will grow up and blur the backgrounds and the rough edges around the pathways, wild flowers will be one of the ways we’ll see more colour dappled throughout the green, others we’ll introduce in time. Two acer trees will grow slowly, bringing a focal point at the bottom of the garden but, I also have plans to plant something else, on the higher piece of lawn that is left green in the picture.

I sat out there with some coffee at lunch time today, soaking in the peaceful atmosphere, watching the grass sway ever so slightly in the light breeze, enjoying the sunshine…

The garden view is progressing well.


Ally Simpson. Artist and designer. Abstract visual works, brand, identity, graphic design solutions, style content and dabbling with sounds.

Our world is a lot smaller


One day