We don’t make drinks with milk

I was in Japan recently, I met some guys in a coffee bar, I said:
‘can I have a cappuccino’
they said ‘no, we don’t make drinks with milk’,
‘you’ve got milk?’,
‘Yeah we can give you cold milk but we can make any drinks with milk because the owner doesn’t think we are good enough yet. We’re good with espresso, we’re not good enough with the milk yet’,
‘how long have you been open?’
‘six months’.

That to me said something, until they were right they weren’t going to do it.

Source: https://universalworks.co.uk/blogs/articles/david-keyte-entrepreneurs-monocle


Ally Simpson. Artist and designer. Abstract visual works, brand, identity, graphic design solutions, style content and dabbling with sounds.


Design is not building


Newfound Network