Why Squarespace?

Up until quite recently my only web creation experience was with Wordpress. I still use it exclusively for one specific client and the web design business they bring to us but, I switched this website to Squarespace a couple of years ago. I had already created and was maintaining the Middletown Coffee Co website here (currently re-building) so, I knew my way around the platform adequately.

But why Squarespace?

It’s fast and easy to use. It has the potential to look incredible. I say ‘has the potential’ because the user needs to have some kind of eye for what looks good. Squarespace can do anything and everything that most businesses could ever need but, many businesses still don’t really know what they need or want a website to do for them. Often they think they need to engage in a lengthy process of coding and discussion with escalating costs. Some do need this. Many don’t.

The main factor for me is that websites are not at the heart of my creative focus.

I guess that opens up the question of what a ‘graphic designer’ is and what they are not.

My one sentence bio says ‘artist and designer’ which leaves things open to interpretation.

My longest running project is my own website (this) and Squarespace is by far the best option I’ve encountered.


Ally Simpson. Artist and designer. Abstract visual works, brand, identity, graphic design solutions, style content and dabbling with sounds.


2020 Calendar Revised Edition


Your Website Sucks