Blues and greens


I was working on a painting at the weekend which has been a real tug of war for a very long time now. This was one of the colours being mixed. Blues and greens.

There was a tension between the theme of the painting and the actual doing. I often get this but once the basic theme is clear in my head, the painting is intuitive, maybe even simple. Mixing colours is more forgiving than you’d think too. I limit the palette. Less is not more. Less is less. Sometimes less is better.

It’s the same with design. Often a brochure, flyer or website just needs less. Less text, less detail. Less doesn’t undervalue anything if the process has been well thought out and has real purpose.

Sometimes all you need are blues and greens (and white and a little gold… and maybe some peachy-ness).

And purple.


Ally Simpson. Artist and designer. Abstract visual works, brand, identity, graphic design solutions, style content and dabbling with sounds.

Sick of misinformation


The green (in various shades) pant