What a client wants

I regularly lose my mind over the issue of what a client wants.

They just don’t know what is best or what looks good a lot of the time.

These are the decisions a designer makes.

Of course opinions and subsequent edits are helpful and needed in most cases with projects but, wholesale design ideas from people who are not designers are rarely good. They are often really terrible. Small businesses are a huge culprit but charities, churches and voluntary organisations are the absolute worst.

Did I really just say that?

Yes I unashamedly did say that and furthermore, it doesn’t matter that in the mind of a client they believe they are requesting and/or paying a designer to do what they want. What they should be doing is; paying a designer for their skill and knowledge, to do what they need and what is best.

There’s a huge difference.



Ally Simpson. Artist and designer. Abstract visual works, brand, identity, graphic design solutions, style content and dabbling with sounds.


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