
I hate Facebook for all it has become but, I’ve signed up again.

A week ago my cousin Rodney died suddenly, he was only a few years older than me. His funeral on Thursday like all funerals right now was under restrictions/guidance re: COVID-19.

As I stood alongside one of my uncles in the cemetery, well distanced from the grave and from immediate family and other mourners, I looked around at lots of people I did not know but also, aunts, uncles and cousins who like Rodney I have only seen a handful of times over the past twenty years. As I drove home I concluded that the best solution right now if I want to make a connection and keep some kind of contact with our large family was/is Facebook.

Within the surreal bubble of Facebook I am not interested in politics, religion or conspiracy. The algorithms are brainwashing millions of users. I’m only there to share and see real life with family. That’s all.

Wish me luck.


Ally Simpson. Artist and designer. Abstract visual works, brand, identity, graphic design solutions, style content and dabbling with sounds.


Fee Verte by Nelo Vinuesa


Death under 50